VisiOmatic programming interface

The VisiOmatic client provides the following sub-properties to the original Leaflet “classes” with new or overloaded methods:

Class Purpose
L.TileLayer.IIP Manage IIP tile layers
L.CRS.WCS Handle celestial coordinates
L.Control.IIP Common class for managing interface menus and widgets (not used directly)
L.Control.IIP.Channel Channel mixing interface
L.Control.IIP.Image Image settings interface
L.Control.IIP.Catalog Catalog overlay interface
L.Control.IIP.Profile Image profile overlay interface
L.Control.IIP.Region Region- and Point-of-interest interface
L.Control.IIP.Doc Documentation interface
L.Control.Sidebar Side menu bar and panels
L.Control.WCS Coordinate input/output interface
L.Control.Scale.WCS Celestial or pixel scale line
L.Control.Reticle Reticle at the center of the map
L.Control.ExtraMap Secondary map synchronized to the main map
L.RGB Class for managing R,G,B color triplets that describe color pixels
L.Ellipse/L.EllipseMarker Class for drawing ellipse overlays in world/pixel coordinates on a map

VisiOmatic also provides set of utility functions, grouped in the L.IIPUtils object:

Function Purpose
L.IIPUtils.requestURL() Make an Ajax call to the specified server
L.IIPUtils.parseURL() Parse the given URL and generate a dictionary of query keyword/value pairs
L.IIPUtils.checkDomain() Return the domain of the given URL
L.IIPUtils.isExternal() Check if the given URL is from an external domain



L.TileLayer.IIP manages tile layers with image data queried from an IIPimage tile server.

Usage example

var map ='map', {fullscreenControl: true});
var iip = '/fcgi-bin/iipsrv.fcgi?FIF=image.ptif';
var ima = L.tileLayer.iip(iip, {cmap: 'jet'}).addTo(map);


L.tileLayer.iip ( <String> url , <tilelayer-options> options? )

instantiates an IIP tile layer object given a URL url.


The constructor supports all options from the regular TileLayer plus

Option Type Default Description
crs L.CRS.WCS object Extracted from the data header if available; raw pixel coordinates otherwise Coordinate Reference or World Coordinate System
nativeCelSys Boolean false True if native coordinates (e.g., galactic coordinates) are to be used instead of equatorial coordinates
center String false World coordinates (either in RA,Dec decimal form or in hh:mm:ss.s±dd:mm:ss.s sexagesimal format), or any Sesame-compliant identifier defining the initial centering of the map upon layer initialization. Sexagesimal coordinates and identifier strings are sent to the Sesame resolver service for conversion to decimal coordinates. Assume x,y pixel coordinates if WCS information is missing. Use false for default map centering.
fov Float false Field of view covered by the map upon later initialization, in world coordinates (degrees, or pixel coordinates if WCS information is missing). Use false for default map zooming.
contrast Float 1.0 Contrast factor
colorSat Float 1.0 Color saturation for multi-channel data (0.0: B&W, >1.0: enhance)
gamma Float 1.0 for 8 or 16 bit images or 2.2 for 32 bit (integer or floating-point) images Display gamma
cMap String 'grey' Colormap for single channels or channel combinations. Valid colormaps are 'grey', 'jet', 'cold' and 'hot'
invertCMap Boolean false Invert Colormap or color mix (like a negative)
quality Integer 90 JPEG encoding quality in percent
mixingMode Strings 'color' Channel mixing mode. Valid modes are 'mono' (single-channel) and 'color'
channelColors Array of L.RGB color triplets [rgb(0.0,0.0,1.0), rgb(0.0,1.0,0.0), rgb(1.0,0.0,0.0), rgb(0.0,0.0,0.0), ...] RGB contribution of each channel to the mixing matrix
channelLabels Array of strings ['Channel #1', 'Channel #2', ...] Channel labels
channelLabelMatch String '.*' Regular expression matching the labels of channels that are given a color by default
channelUnits Array of strings ['ADUs','ADUs',...] Channel units
minMaxValues Array of [Float,Float] Extracted from the data header if available; [[0.0,255.0], [0.0,255.0], ...] otherwise Pairs of lower,higher clipping limits for every channel
defaultChannel Integer 0 Default active channel index (used, e.g., in mono-channel mode)
commandString String null Query string for overriding settings during layer initialization.

Public methods

L.TileLayer.IIP provides all the regular L.TileLayer methods plus

Method Returns Description
getIIPMetaData ( <String> url ) String Send an OBJ request to the server specified by url and return a string with the max-size, tile-size, resolution-number, bits-per-channel, min-max-sample-values and subject IIP meta-data
rgbToMix ( <Integer> chan, <L.RGB> rgb ) Update the channel mixing matrix according to the rgb contribution of channel chan
updateMono () Set the layer in monochromatic mode using the current active channel
updateMix () Update the mixing matrix in color mode using the current ChannelColor and colSat settings


L.CRS.WCS is a new class that extends the original L.CRS object to support celestial projections described by the FITS WCS standard. Currently only the PIXEL (Cartesian), CAR, COE, TAN and ZEA projections are supported, in equatorial, ecliptic, galactic, and supergalactic coordinates.

Usage example

var wcs = L.CRS.wcs(header);


L.CRS.wcs ( <String> hdr, options? )

instantiates a CRS WCS object given a FITS header stored in the hdr string.


Option Type Default Description
ctype {x: String, y: String} {x: 'PIXEL', y: 'PIXEL'} WCS projection type for both axes
nativeCelSys Boolean false If true native coordinates (e.g., galactic coordinates) are to be used instead of equatorial coordinates
naxis L.Point [256, 256] Dimensions of the full resolution image in pixels
nzoom Integer 9 Number of zoom levels in the pyramid
crpix L.Point [129, 129] Pixel coordinates of the projection center
crval L.LatLng [0.0, 0.0] World coordinates of the projection center
cd [[Float,Float], [Float,Float]] [[1.0,0.0], [0.0,1.0]] Jacobian matrix of the de-projection at the projection center
natpole L.LatLng [90.0, 180.0] World coordinates of the native pole

Public methods

L.CRS.WCS provides all the regular L.CRS methods plus

Method Returns Description
pixelScale ( <Float> zoom, <L.LatLng> latLng ) Float Return the angular pixel scale in degrees at current coordinates and zoom level
rawPixelScale ( <L.LatLng> latLng ) Float Return the angular pixel scale in degrees at current coordinates and at full resolution
fovToZoom ( <L.Map> map, <Float> fov, <L.LatLng> latLng ) Float Return the zoom level that corresponds to the specified Field-of-View in degrees
zoomToFov ( <L.Map> map, <Float> zoom, <L.LatLng> latLng ) Float Return the Field-of-View in degrees that corresponds to the specified zoom level
celsysToEq ( <L.LatLng> latLng ) L.LatLng Convert native celestial coordinates to equatorial coordinates
eqToCelsys ( <L.LatLng> latLng ) L.LatLng Convert equatorial coordinates to native celestial coordinates


L.Control.IIP.Channel is a new control class for managing the channel mixing interface.

Usage example

var control ={cMap: 'jet'}).addTo(map);

Creation ( <control-options> options? )

instantiates a channel mixing control object in the given mode ('mono' or 'color').


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Channel mixing' Title of the dialog window or panel
mixingMode Strings null Channel mixing mode at start. Valid modes are 'mono' (single-channel), 'color', or null for layer settings
cMap String 'grey' Colormap applied to the layer when the interface is attached to the map. Valid colormaps include 'grey', 'jet', 'cold' or 'hot'

Public methods

L.Control.IIP.Channel provides all the existing L.Control methods plus

Method Returns Description
saveSettings ( <L.TileLayer.IIP> layer, <String> mode ) Save current interface settings for the given layer and mode
loadSettings ( <L.TileLayer.IIP> layer, <String> mode ) Load current interface settings for the given IIP layer and mode


L.Control.IIP.Image is a new control class for managing the image settings interface.

Usage example

var control = L.control.iip.image().addTo(map);


L.control.iip.image ( <control-options> options? )

instantiates an image control object.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Image preferences' Title of the dialog window or panel


L.Control.IIP.Catalog is a new control class for managing the interface that controls catalog queries and catalog overlays.

Usage example

var control = L.control.iip.catalog([L.Catalog['2MASS'], L.Catalog['SDSS'],


L.control.iip.catalog ( <Array of catalogs>, <control-options> options? )

instantiates a catalog control object with the given list of catalogs.


Catalog objects describe the catalogs that can be queried through a pull-down menu in the interface. They have the following properties (there are no default values):

Option Type Example Description
name String 'My catalog' Catalog label as it will appear in the pull-down menu
attribution String 'Catalog of my preferred sources by Me and al. (2015)' Attribution or credit line
url String L.Catalog.vizierURL + '/asu-tsv?& -mime=csv&-source=II/246& -out=2MASS,RAJ2000,DEJ2000, Jmag,Hmag,Kmag&-out.meta=& -c.eq={sys}&-c={lng},{lat}&{dlng},{dlat}&-out.max={nmax}' URL template for the catalog query
color String '#FC04A0' Default overlay color for this catalog
maglim Float 20.0 Expected limiting magnitude of the catalog (used to scale symbols).
service String 'Vizier@CDS' Label describing the web service that provides the catalog
regionType String 'box' Angular query type: 'box' or 'cone'
properties Array of strings ['J', 'H', 'K'] labels for the source properties returned by the catalog service (except coordinates).
units Array of strings ['mag', 'mag', 'mag'] units of the source properties returned by the catalog service.
objurl String L.Catalog.vizierURL + '/VizieR-5?-source=II/246& -c={ra},{dec},eq=J2000&' URL template for querying individual sources (e.g., when clicking the source ID in the popup source dialog)

Pre-defined catalogs include '2MASS', 'SDSS', 'PPMXL', 'Abell', 'NVSS', 'FIRST', 'AllWISE', 'GALEX_AIS' and 'GAIA_DR1', all accessible through VizieR queries.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Catalog overlay' Title of the dialog window or panel
nativeCelSys Boolean false True if native coordinates (e.g., galactic coordinates) are to be used instead of equatorial coordinates
color String '#FFFF00' Default catalog overlay color
timeOut Float 30 Time out delay for catalog queries (in seconds)


L.Control.IIP.Profile is a new control class for managing the interface that controls profile extraction and profile overlays.

Usage example

var control = L.control.iip.profile().addTo(map);


L.control.iip.profile ( <control-options> options? )

instantiates a profile control object.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Catalog overlay' Title of the dialog window or panel
color String '#FFFF00' Default profile overlay color


L.Control.IIP.Region is a new control class for managing the region interface.

Usage example

var control = L.control.iip.region([
    name: 'Region 1',
    description: 'A first region',
    url: 'region1.json',
    color: 'blue',
    load: false
    name: 'Region 2',
    description: 'A second region',
    url: 'region2.json',
    color: 'orange',
    load: false
  { nativeCelsys: true }

Regions are defined in GeoJSON files. Here is an example of the content of a GeoJSON file:

  "features": [
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [[
      "properties": {
        "description":"Limits of region 1."
      "geometry": {
        "coordinates": [266.46042,-28.82444]
      "properties": {
        "description":"<h2>A Point of Interest</h2><p>This object should be worth monitoring.</p>"

The description string inside the GeoJSON properties object can be used to provide the HTML content of a window that pops up when the user clicks on the accompanying region. Note that links in the description should preferably be targeted to appear in a new browser window/tab using the target='blank' attribute setting.


L.control.iip.region ( <Array of regions> regions, <control-options> options? )

instantiates a region control object given an array of region objects.


Region objects describe the regions that can be accessed through a pull-down menu in the interface. They have the following properties (there are no default values):

Option Type Example Description
name String 'My region' Region label as it will appear in the pull-down menu
description String 'This is region A' HTML string to appear in a popup window when clicking over the region (overridden by the description property in the GeoJSON data).
url String 'myregions.json' URL of the GeoJSON data
color String '#C0AC23' Default overlay color for this region
load Boolean false If true, region data are automatically loaded as the control is attached to the map.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Channel mixing' Title of the dialog window or panel
nativeCelSys Boolean false True if native coordinates (e.g., galactic coordinates) are to be used instead of equatorial coordinates
color String '#00FFFF' Default region overlay color
timeOut Float 30 Time out delay for region downloads (in seconds)


L.Control.IIP.Doc is a new control class for displaying online documentation.

Usage example

var control = L.control.iip.doc('mydoc/index.html', {pdflink: 'mydoc/mydoc.pdf'}).addTo(map);


L.control.iip.doc ( <String> url, <control-options> options? )

instantiates a doc control object, given a link to the documentation homepage.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Documentation' Title of the dialog window or panel
pdflink String 'mydoc.pdf' Link a PDF version of the documentation


L.Control.Sidebar is a control class for adding sliding panes to the left or the right of the map. It is derived from the leaflet-sidebar plugin by Tobias Bieniek.

Usage example

var sidebar = L.control.sidebar().addTo(map);


L.control.sidebar ( <control-options> options? )

instantiates a sidebar control object.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Toggle advanced menu' String which will appear in the tooltip while hovering over the sidebar toggle button.
forceSeparateButton Boolean false If true, the sidebar toggle button will be separated from the zooming control panel

Public methods

L.Control.Sidebar provides all the existing L.Control methods plus

Method Returns Description
addTabList () tabList Create and return a new tabList (collection of tabs)
addTab ( <String> id, <string> className, <String> title, <Element> content, <String> sideClass ) Element Add a new tab to the current tabList, inserting content into the associated pane, and return the pane Element
open ( <String> id ) Open sidebar (if necessary) and show the tab with the specified ID
close () Close sidebar (if necessary)
toggle () Collapse or expand the sidebar


L.Control.WCS is a new control class for managing an input/output coordinate widget.

Usage example

var control =  L.control.wcs(
  {coordinates: [
    {label: 'RA,Dec', units: 'HMS'},
    {label: 'Gal l,b', units: 'deg', nativeCelsys: true}


L.control.wcs ( <control-options> options? )

instantiates a WCS control object.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Scale' Name of the control (to be used for tooltips)
coordinates Array of coordinates [{ label: 'RA, Dec', units: 'HMS', nativeCelsys: false }] Set of coordinates settings (see below)
centerQueryKey String 'center' Name of the URL query string field that should contain the current center of the map when pressing the ‘’Copy to Clipboard’’ button
fovQueryKey String 'fov' Name of the URL query string field that should contain the current Field-of-View of the map when pressing the ‘’Copy to Clipboard’’ button


Coordinates objects describe the coordinates that can be selected through a pull-down menu to the left of the coordinate entry widget. They have the following properties (there are no default values):

Option Type Example Description
label String 'RA, Dec' Coordinate label as it will appear in the pull-down menu
units String 'HMS' Coordinate units/types as they will appear in the interface: 'HMS' for hh:mm:ss.s±dd:mm:ss.s sexagesimal format, 'deg' for decimal degrees, 'other' for raw decimal output.
nativeCelSys Boolean false True if native coordinates (e.g., galactic coordinates) are to be used instead of equatorial coordinates


L.Control.Scale.WCS is a new control class derived from L.Control.Scale that adds a scale to the map. It supports both angular and pixel units.

Usage example

var control = L.control.scale.wcs({pixels: false}).addTo(map);


L.control.scale.wcs ( <control-scale-options> options? )

instantiates a WCS scale control object.


The constructor supports all the L.Control.Scale options plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Scale' Name of the control (to be used for tooltips)
degrees Boolean true Whether to show the degree scale line (deg/arcmin/arcsec/mas)
pixels Boolean true Whether to show the pixel scale line
custom Boolean false Whether to show the custom scale line
customScale float 1.0 Custom scale factor in pixels
customUnits String " Name of the custom scale unit
planetRadius float 6378137.0 Planet radius in meters (for metric and imperial units)


L.Control.Reticle is a new control class that adds a crosshair at the center of the map window.

Usage example

var control = L.control.reticle().addTo(map);


L.control.reticle ()

instantiates a reticle control object.


The constructor has no option.


L.Control.ExtraMap is a new control class for displaying an additional map synchronized with the main map, picture-in-picture style. It is an adaptation of Leaflet-MiniMap by Norkart.

Usage example

var control = L.control.extraMap(
      position: 'topright',
      width: 192,
      height: 128,
      zoomLevelOffset: -6,


L.control.extraMap ( <L.TileLayer> layer, <control-options> options? )

instantiates an extraMap control object with the given layer. Note that the layer must not be shared with the main map or another extraMap.


The constructor supports all options from other L.Control classes plus

Option Type Default Description
title String 'Navigation mini-map. Grab to navigate' Name of the control (to be used for tooltips)
toggleDisplay Boolean true Whether the extraMap should display a minimization button
strings Array of strings {hideText: 'Hide map', showText: 'Show map'} Labels for the toggle button (appear in tooltips)
autoToggleDisplay Boolean false Whether the extraMap should hide automatically if the main map bounds do not fit within the extraMap bounds (useful when zoomLevelFixed is set)
zoomLevelFixed Boolean or Integer false Valid, fixed zoom level for the extraMap, or false if a dynamic zoomLevelOffset is to be applied instead
zoomLevelOffset Integer -5 Offset applied to the zoom in the extraMap with respect to that of the main map
zoomAnimation Boolean false Whether the extraMap should have an animated zoom (if true, will cause the extraMap to lag a bit after the main map)
width Integer 150 Width of the ExtraMap in pixels
height Integer 150 Height of the ExtraMap in pixels
collapsedWidth Integer 24 Width of the toggleMarker and the ExtraMap when collapsed, in pixels
collapsedHeight Integer 24 Height of the toggleMarker and the ExtraMap when collapsed, in pixels
aimingRectOptions path-options {color: '#FF7800', weight: 1, clickable: false} Style of the aiming rectangle (clickable is always forced to false)
shadowRectOptions path-options {color: '#803C00', weight: 1, opacity: 0, fillOpacity: 0, clickable: false} Style of the shadow aiming rectangle (clickable is always forced to false)

Public methods

L.Control.ExtraMap provides all the existing L.Control methods plus

Method Returns Description
changeLayer ( <L.TileLayer> layer) Replace the current extraMap layer with the one provided


L.RGB is a new class for managing R,G,B color triplets that describe color pixels.

Usage example

var rgb = L.rgb(0.2,0.4,0.0);
var rgb = L.rgb([0.2,0.4,0.0]);
var rgb = L.rgb('#336600');


L.rgb ( <Float> r, <Float> g, <Float> b ) instantiates an RGB object with the given red, green and blue components.



L.Ellipse and L.EllipseMarker are new classes for drawing ellipse overlays on a map, with parameters defined in world and pixel coordinates, respectively.

Usage example

var path = L.ellipse(latLng, {
  majAxis: 0.0210, minAxis: 0.0045, posAngle: -30.0
var path = L.ellipseMarker(latLng, {
  majAxis: 10.0, minAxis: 3.0, posAngle: 24.0


L.ellipse ( <L.LatLng> latLng, <path-options> options? ) instantiates an ellipse object centered on position latLng.

L.ellipseMarker ( <L.LatLng> latLng, <path-options> options? ) instantiates an ellipse marker object centered on position latLng.

Both constructors support all options from other L.Path classes plus

Option Type Default Description
majAxis Float '10' Ellipse major axis in degrees (L.Ellipse) or in pixels (L.EllipseMarker)
minAxis Float '10' Ellipse minor axis in degrees (L.Ellipse) or in pixels (L.EllipseMarker)
posAngle Float '0' Ellipse position angle in degrees East-of-North (L.Ellipse) or CCW from x-axis (L.EllipseMarker)

Utility functions


L.IIPUtils.requestURL() is used throughout VisiOmatic to send Ajax requests to a given URL.


L.IIPUtils.requestURL ( <String> url, <String> purpose, <Function> action, <Object> context, <Float> timeOut)

Usage example

  'getting coordinates for M31',
  function (context, httpRequest) { console.log(context, httpRequest); },


Name Type Description
url String URL to which the request must be sent
purpose String Short description of the request purpose
action Function (context, httpRequest) Reference to a function to which the context and the httpRequest objects will be passed upon completion of the request
context Object The context object (e.g., this), will be passed as a first argument to the action function
timeOut Float Time out delay in seconds. No time out if argument is missing.


L.IIPUtils.parseURL() parses a URL and returns a dictionary of query string keyword/value pairs.


L.IIPUtils.parseURL ( <String> url)

Usage example

args = L.IIPUtils.parseURL(
console.log(args['channel'], args['mode']);


Name Type Description
url String URL to be parsed


L.IIPUtils.checkDomain() parses a URL and returns the domain name associated with it.


L.IIPUtils.checkDomain ( <String> url)

Usage example

domain = L.IIPUtils.checkDomain('');


Name Type Description
url String URL to be parsed


L.IIPUtils.isExternal() parses a URL and returns true if it belongs to the current domain or false otherwise.


L.IIPUtils.isExternal ( <String> url)

Usage example

flag = L.IIPUtils.isExternal('');


Name Type Description
url String URL to be parsed


L.IIPUtils.copyToClipboard() copies the given string to clipboard.


L.IIPUtils.copyToClipboard ( <String> text)

Usage example

flag = L.IIPUtils.copyToClipboard('http://myurl');


Name Type Description
text String String to be copied to clipboard


L.IIPUtils.flashElement() temporily highlights a DOM element using a short (<400ms) “flashing” animation.


L.IIPUtils.flashElement ( <Element> elem)

Usage example

flag = L.IIPUtils.flashElement(myInput);


Name Type Description
elem Element Element to highlight